Ferienakademie Application


Welcome to the online application system of the Ferienakademie. Please specify your email address and your password to login. If you have not registered for a password yet, see the link below.

If you encounter technical problems when using the database, or if you have any suggestions for improvement, please contact ferienakademie@in.tum.de.

For questions related to the Ferienakademie, please refer to the Ferienakademie team.

If you get a Server Error 500 when saving the data it might be due to unusual characters. Please only use letters from a-Z (incl. ä, ü, ö) and punctuation characters ",", "." and "-" . Notify us via ferienakademie@in.tum.de if you still encounter the error.

You can register until: None

If you forgot your password, follow this: